Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union Drinking Game

State of the Union Address Drinking Game

This one is simple.

Every time Bush lies, you drink.

OK...that one was too simple, and in the interest of avoiding alcohol poisoning in many of my friends, let's make it a little more complicated.

Everyone must drink when Bush mentions:

Future of Iraq

Everyone must put a thumb to their forehead when you hear one of the following phrases...last one to do it takes a drink:

Tax Rebate

Whenever he says 'Economy', everyone yells 'Stupid'. (From 'it's the economy, stupid!')

If someone yells Stupid when he says 'EconomIC', they take a drink.

Whenever he says 'Democrats', slap the table. First one to slap the table picks someone else to buy them a drink.

Have fun, and don't drink and drive! more. If he mentions 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', you have to pour your drink on the floor. :(

Play this State of the Union Address Drinking Game responsibly!

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