Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Flat Belly Diet - Same Old Diet, New Packaging

The "Flat Belly Diet" is the newest diet to hit the media.

It makes claims about targeting the belly fat that so many people struggle to lose. However, if you peel back the cover of this 'new' diet, you find the same old truths that have been taught by groups like WeightWatchers for years.

This 'special diet' consists of three things: attitude adjustment, reducing caloric intake, increase caloric output. In other words, eat less, burn more calories, and you'll lose weight...the attitude helps you do those things.

Why folks, it's a MIRACLE! it's not.

Your body is like a bank account. You put money (food) in, and you spend money (burning calories by processing the food and exercise). If you put more in than you spend, your account balance will increase (or in the case of your body, your weight will). If you spend more than you put in, your balance will decrease (ie: you lose weight).

If you choose to use the Flat Belly Diet as the means to reduce your caloric intake and increase your caloric burn, that's great! Just go into it with your eyes open. If you believe that the 'latest science' means that this diet is a miracle and is easier than diets you've tried in the past, you will be in for disappointment.

In fact, the 'latest science' consistently shows that losing weight and KEEPING it off happens more readily in an environment where there is area where the Flat Belly Diet is lacking. In other words: "Yes, the group diet programs really work." There's a reason they are so successful. Most of us already understand the economics of weight loss (less food, more burn). We just have a hard time sticking to it. That's where the groups help.

So give the Flat Belly Diet a try this year. Color me cynical, but in six months, if you're still on it, GREAT! If not, go find a local group program that affirms what you already know, but also includes the support that is lacking in the Flat Belly Diet.

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