Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hi-5: Kids Musical Show

Have you seen Hi-5? It's a musical show for kids with lots of bright colors and catchy tunes. Think of it as the American version of the Wiggles.

My daughter (almost 2) loves Hi-5. Life stops when it's on the TV (which is why we TiVo it, in case we need 30 minutes of uninterrupted down time).

Hi-5 is made up of 5 young actors and actresses who sing and dance, dress in funky bright clothes (not overly funky, but not dress-casual either). Very simple dance moves that little kids can imitate and songs they can memorize quickly make this very appealing. A note on their dress code: no bare midriffs. As a father of a young girl, I appreciate that. It gives us the option to watch something fun for little kids without having to weigh the downside of discussions about conservative dress.

Personally, I watch it for the entertainment value. Not the value of the show...watching my daughter (and sometimes my 5-yr-old son) dance to the moves, and sing along is hilarious.

They've now started doing tours of the U.S. and Canada, and have a series of CDs, DVDs (and other merchandise).

It's refreshing to see young people (in their 20s) unafraid to act silly, goofy, and simple, which is what little kids need. I remember my first reaction when I saw the Wiggles...I thought "oh brother these guys are dumb!" Well, I forgot that I'm not a 2-6 year old kid...and they loved them.

The same is true for Hi-5.

So if you haven't seen the Hi-5 musical show for kids yet, check your local listings! Or go shopping for their DVDs and CDs!

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