Friday, August 20, 2010

Replacement Car Speakers

My sounds system in my car totally stunk. It was surprising, because I thought Hondas had a good reputation. Turns out they do...just not for their sound systems (unless you get the uber-upgrade).

So, wanting to crank out better music, I turned to 6x8 car speakers instead of 5x7. At first I was hesitant about the idea of replacing them myself. But a friend helped me get over that fear...and I was suprised to learn that 6x8s fit directly into the same slot that the 5x7s were mounted in!

Of course, more than just speakers need to be replaced to truly overhaul your sound system...but even that much made a huge difference. I was suprised by how high the quality was over the signal, and all that signal was being lost by the manufacturer-installed speakers.

So, my encouragement to you is to get over any hesitation you have if you're considering an will be WAY worth it!

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