Friday, October 23, 2009

Kids Falling Out Of Bed

It freaks me out when I'm up late blogging in my office when suddenly the ceiling goes BOOM! Especially since my toddler daughter is supposed to be asleep in the room right above the office.

Ever since we took down the baby bed rails, I've been scared she'll fall out. And even though she's getting bigger (almost 4), and can easily climb in and out, she still occasionally falls out.

At first this terrified me. I run through the house and fly upstairs and burst into the room to rescue my darling, only to find out that she's still asleep...on the floor in a jumble of stuffed animals, pillows and blankets that she took with her when she fell. I put her back in, and she's right back to sleep, if she even ever woke up.

Now I laugh. I mean, seriously, these kids sleep like the dead. If I fell out of bed in the middle of the night, I'd have enough adrenaline pumping through my veins to lift a car. Forget going back to sleep...that might happen in a few days. My son usually wakes up long enough to look around groggily, say something completely random, and then crawl back in bed.

Ah, the sleep of the innocent!

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