Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's Special Olympics Joke

Obama appeared on Jay Leno, where, among other things, they discussed Obama's poor bowling skills. He compared his bowling to the Special Olympics. An obvious attempt at a joke.

As is typical, someone got offended. The chairman of the Special Olympics says, "words hurt".

Begin rant:

1. WTF, Mr. Obama, are you doing going on a COMEDY show in the midst of an "economic crisis" (your words)?! Our Congress are making up laws to tax individual citizens at 90%, ex post facto (after the fact), in spite of the limits of the Constitution on Congress prohibiting such. And you decide it's appropriate to 'yuk it up' with Leno. Dumb move.

2. WTF, Mr. Obama, are you doing slamming a group of people who can't help themselves?! I thought the Democrats were supposed to be the defenders of the helpless against the evil Republicans! I thought you were supposed to be the captain of compassion! That was just tactless. Dumb move.

3. Get over it, Mr. Chairman of the Special Olympics. Yes, words hurt. But show a little realism. Folks qualifying for the Special Olympics typically aren't as good at sports as a person without physical disability. Right? Hence the "Special". So, if Obama, without disability, could be beat by someone with a disability, doesn't that sortof illustrate the point of the Special Olympics in the first place?!

I'm just tired of the friggin' whining and finger pointing. Our president is screwing up big time, messing with the economy, propping up banks that should fail, then changing the deal on them. Our Congress is overstepping its limitations as set forth in our founding documents (that little, annoying document called The Constitution, which every member of Congress swore an oath to protect). And people are getting outraged because the President makes a joke that might hurt someone's feelings.

Dumb, yes, but it's just a picadillo compared to other things going on.

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