Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Make Your Own eBook Covers

You have probably seen those cool 3D eBook covers on the internet...the ones where there isn't ACTUALLY a real 'paper' book. People who sell digital eBooks want an image that makes it look like a physical copy. So 'eBook covers' are the only way they have to graphically represent their product.

Most of the time those are made with Photoshop, using an Action Script. Photoshop costs about $300 and the script runs about $100.

I recently came across (in Amazon's Kindle Store, of all places!) a detailed walkthrough on how to build those and add all the finishing touches. It uses FREE software called GIMP, which is open-source. It's downloadable for free and is as good as Photoshop!

The cool thing is that not only does the guide teach you how to make very professional-looking eBook covers, it has a chapter on selling those graphics to people who are looking for them!

If you like to fool around with digital graphics, you can learn to Make eBook Covers easily with this step-by-step guide.

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