My neighbor has a dog that is super annoying.
It barks at me every time I'm in the yard.
It barks when no one is in the yard but my daughter is trying to take a nap.
It barks in the morning.
It barks in the evening.
It's driving me crazy.
At first I was thinking that a burger with some Ex-lax in it might be the right solution. I still haven't decided which type of dog barking control device I'm going to get...but I know they have these ultrasonic ones that I can mount in my yard. They supposedly detect the barking and then pulse this sound that humans can't hear but it annoys the dogs. I'm wondering if I can't amplify it somehow. Bwuahahahaa!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Dog is Annoying
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fried Kitty Cat
Poor kitty.
Our cat, Snuffles (short for 'Snuffleupugus', but that's a story for another time), spends a good deal of time outside. Which is fine, except we feel a little bad about the cold weather.
We had a brand-new electric blanket, with DUAL control!! Now we can each keep our side the temperature we want. But the point is, we decided we'd use the old one in a small dog house outside to keep Snuffles warm. A bit redneck, I admit.
Anywho, Snuffles loved it. At first. She would snuggle down into the dog fact there were times we'd call and call and even open a can of cat food and she wouldn't come out. We'd have to reach in there and drag her toasty self out.
Apparently, though, either the scent of her humans on the blanket, or a desire to get even warmer, drove her to start gnawing on the blankets. She was shredding that thing like a gerbil. Until she hit the wire. Yup. She got a big mouthful of e-lec-tricity! I wish I could have seen how fast she shot out of the doghouse...she still won't go back in.
Needless to say, we trashed the old blanket, and got a cat heating pad, which is designed to be the right temp, with less electricity. And chew-proof! :) I'm sure Snuffles will love it, if we can ever get her back into the doghouse.
Monday, November 9, 2009
A tribute
My wife is something special. She is an incredible gift to me, and I am thankful for her every day.
To that end, I have created a blog devoted to her:
Best Wife In The Whole World
I haven't told her about it yet. I'm saving it for those rare days when she's feeling blue. I might even save it for when I do something stupid, or say the wrong thing, or forget something important. :)
She rocks!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Neti Pots are Gross
OK...seriously. Neti Pots?
Does anyone remember swimming as a kid, jumping into the pool, and that delightful feeling when you forgot to exhale through your nose and you took a gallon of water all the way into your nose.
Now people are doing that in the name of 'health'.
I know, I know: "The neti pot has been around for centuries...". Why is it that we keep looking backwards for health solutions? Didn't the people who invented neti pots also bury twin babies alive because they couldn't tell which one was the demon? These are the people we look to for our health solutions?
If you don't know what it is, a neti pot is like a teapot with a long spout. You put a warm saline mixture, called a neti pot solution, in it, turn your head to the side, insert the spout in your upper nostril, and let it rinse through your sinus cavities and out the bottom nostril.
Seriously, there probably are some benefits. But the 'yuck' factor of rinsing my snot out with a teapot is too high for me. For kicks and giggles, go to YouTube and search for neti pot and watch the grossness.

Labels: alternative medicine, neti pot, neti pot sinus treatment